Wednesday 5 September 2018

Basics are the ways to reach CSGO Global Elite

CSGO Global Elite(GE) is an element which every CS GOer on the planet desires. It is the topmost rank in the game which can offer a whole lot of confidence and self-esteem to the players. But it is quite intricate to attain GE. I believe that the secret of reach CSGO Global Elite is to understand the basics of the game.

Counter Strike: Global Offensive is an FPS (First Person Shooting) game where terrorists play against the counter terrorists (CT). It has CSGO ranks and in-game economy which plays a huge role in the game. There’s so much more to the game, but it is determined by the game mode you are playing which can be chosen from the main menu.

I will now go through the game types.

The main game style of the CS: GO can be split into two different map types. The most popular is defuse and if you happen to watch a competitive match between pro teams, there is a high chance that they are playing the match in this mode. Terrorist start with the bomb and can choose one of the two bomb sites to plant the bomb at. The CTs start nearer to those sites and must defend. Either team can win by eliminating the other team completely, or by detonating or defusing the bomb. If the time runs out, CT win by default.

Hostage rescue maps are opposite. Terrorist start with two hostages which the CTs must reach, rescue and return to their start zone. They only need to save one of them to win the round. Once again, you can also win by killing the other team and the terrorists can run down the clock to win by default.
These types can be played casually or competitively.

Casual –

  1. 10 v 10 battles.
  2. First to 8 rounds wins the match.
  3. No penalty for leaving.
  4. No team damage or blocking.
  5. Open to anybody of any skill level.
  6. Free camera to spectate the round if you die.
  7. No ranks awarded.

Competitive –

  1. 5 v 5 battles.
  2. First to 16 rounds wins the match.
  3. Leaving mid-game will lead to a temporary ban from the competitive mode.
  4. Team attack and block available.
  5. Matched to other players of similar skill level.
  6. The camera is restricted to team’s viewpoints if you die.
  7. Rank is achieved based on individual abilities after 10 wins.

Competitive matches are the one and only ways to reach a higher rank. The XP gain is determined by how well you perform and whether you win or not. If you die in a competitive match, you remain dead until the round is over. After the rounds, each player gets money for better items and weapons. Each team plays 15 rounds in one side and then switch to the other. Whichever team wins 16 rounds first, wins the whole match. After enough matches and wins, you get a badge which can go up or down depending on if you are winning more matches or not.
CSGO ranks are important and are easy to understand. But they are hard to come by. I can promise that you will get killed thousands of times before you start getting a hang of the game. You can opt for cheap CSGO prime accounts if you are a sore loser. If you are not, keep practising until you reach CSGO Global Elite.